Daily Encourgament

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21 September, 2024 Conference Retreat Video - Register Now!

I Am Bold As A Lion - In Christ!

"The wicked flee when no man pursues them, but the [uncompromising] righteous are as bold as a lion."
Proverbs 28:1

Jesus went to the cross to set us free, to give us Faith and not fear. Some people have learnt to take steps oozing with boldness and confidence, whilst others struggle to live boldly as a beloved Child of God! Years ago after receiving healing from a sickness that confined me to a wheelchair for many years, I had that problem at least until God taught me some important key points that helped me live bodly!

Whatever your fears are today that is keeping you from living boldly, I pray that you too will gain some courage from these key points.

1. Take Up Your True Identity!

You are a loving child of God. You are invited to enter into a loving relationship with your Heavenly Father. His power works in us to transform us. (See Ephesians 1:5-6)

2. Refuse To Live In Fear!

Fear is epidemic in our society today. The Bible instructs us in Hebrews 10v33 to live by Faith and not draw back in fear.

3. Leave The Past Behind You!

You are not a failure because you try new things and they don't work out. You fail only when you stop trying. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, and if you do , recover quickly and press on.

4. Stop Comparing!

Boldness will be impossible as long you keep comparing yourself to others. Boldness in fact, comes from learning to accept who you are and being the best you, you can be.

5. Finally, Take Action!

Be willing to take action. Search your heart and ask yourself what you believe God wants you to do and then do it. Whatever your fears may be today, I encourage you to pray about these five key points and ask the Holy Spirit to help you live them out.

Pray This Prayer:

Thank you for adopting me into your precious family.
I believe I am a child of God.
Holy Spirit, I ask for your help.
I want boldness to be one of my defining traits.
From here on, I want to live out these five keys by your strength and I ask that you will help me.
In Jesus' name, Amen!

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