Daily Encourgament

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19-22July, 2024 Conference Retreat Video - Register Now!
Abundant Life:

Jesus says to you today: In contract to the thief who takes life, I give you life. The life I give right now is abundantly rich and full. It is eternal, yet it begins immediately! Life with me is lived on a higher plane because of my finished work on the cross, overflowing forgiveness, love and guidance always! Child of God, you need to take hold of this understanding today!

In John 10:10 Jesus said: "The thief comes only to steal, kill & destroy; but I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." (Abundant life) What an amazing blessing that is?

Powerful Authority:

Look in Luke 10:19 Jesus said: "I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy and you can walk among snakes and scorpions and crush them. Nothing will injure you! "You & I need to know that He has judged and driven out Satan at the time of His death on the cross! Therefore, we have authority in His name over snake bites and scorpions' stings! (Amen!)

Whatever The Enemy Steals:

Listen: Whatever the enemy steals or has stolen from you: Be it your freedom, health, financial increase or the bondage to keep you from using your God given abilities and skills to do His will and become what He has designed you to be, that is a bite or sting by the thief! We rebuke it in the name of Jesus! (Amen!)

You have all His authority over such things, therefore, start using your given authority today by declaring and proclaiming it so!

Declare As Follows:

In the authority of the name of Jesus,
Divine Word of God come to light in me here today in Jesus' name! - Amen and Amen!
In the authority of the name of Jesus, In the authority of the name of Jesus,
divine love of God now dissolves every sickness, every areas of lack,
and every enemy's attack against me and my family in Jesus' name - Amen and Amen!
In the authority of the name of Jesus,
divine love of God dissolves everything that is not God's divinely designed path for my life,
In Jesus'name! - Amen and Amen!
In the authority of the name of Jesus,
divine prosperity, come back to me here!
I need you with me, in Jesus'name! - Amen and Amen!
By these authorities declared and proclaimed, I live and walk in God's way! Amen!

Pray This Prayer:

I will walk about in freedom, for I have sought out your precepts. Amen! - Psalm 145v19

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