
We are accountable for every penny given to our charity for the work we do and our accounts are submitted to the OSCR in the United Kingdom and to Income Tax Department of the government in India for our registered charity in Inda.

For Charity Account-Click Here or Click the OSCR logo below!


  • Accounts excludes donations of material, supplies, equipments or free printed matters.
  • Account excludes unlimited man hours of time offered freely by numerous voluteers.
  • Account are in compliance with Section 44(1)(c) of the Charities Act.
  • Accounts are prepared by McKenzie Accountants Limited


  • Accounts excludes (non-cash) donations of material, free food supplies, equipments or free books & other printed matters.
  • Account excludes unlimited man hours of time offered freely by 10 voluteers, social workers, cares, medical staff or matrons running the homes.
  • Account are in compliance with local charities reporting regulation/Guidelines.
  • Accounts were prepared by Prakasha-Made Rao
3. Make a Donation to support the orphanage project now?

  • We ask you to partner with us to keep on helping as many children & widows as possible.
  • Our greatest challenge is raising enough funds to keep the outreach/mission going.
  • The beneficiaries are some of the poorest children & widows in their communities.
  • You can donate online from our homepage or click the donation section of this page.
Please Click The Go-Funding Logo To Make A Donation Now! - Thanks!: